Tuesday 29 April 2008

Spicy Crisps

They say: Walkers Sensations Szechuan Spice captures the unique mixture of sweet, sour, aromatic and fragrant for which Asian cuisine is famed. Combining the intensely aromatic taste of ginger, zesty lemongrass and fragrant coriander, a dash of soy sauce and a warming kick of chilli, Walkers Sensations Szechuan Spice is a crunchier potato crisp bursting with irresistible flavours.

I say: Mmmmm tasty.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Posh Brekkie

This may sound unforgivably bling, but on the last day of my daughter's school holiday I decided to take her into London for a blow-out breakfast. Sadly the celebrity hangout The Wolseley was completely full, so we made instead for Fortnums and thank goodness we did. I'm seriously fussy about a cooked breakfast and I have to say the one here was the business. Em had two hens eggs with toast soldiers and some super fresh orange juice. I had the works and shared my sausages with her. The staff were lovely - I think they enjoyed having a small child in to make a change from all the hedge fund traders - and Em upped her game accordingly, being unbelievably well behaved. I'm not saying it wasn't expensive, but for once in a blue moon treat, it was lovely.

Thursday 17 April 2008

Clean hands, green conscience

There was a bit of an unseemly scuffle in the office when a parcel of lovely toiletries from Patently Obvious arrived. I managed to nab a bottle of the Lavender and Rosemary for home and can now report back. The selling point of the products is that they're eco-friendly without being so wishy-washy that they don't actually clean. I liked the smell (reminds me of the way clothes smell when you wash them with Ecover) and I thought it did a nice job, although I wasn't too keen on the dispenser which was a bit overly-squirty - that's the technical term for it, you know. Anyway - you can find them exclusively in larger Boots stores.

Thursday 3 April 2008

Champagne socialites

Now this is the kind of invitation we'd like to receive more of in the office. It's from Transworld Publishers inviting us to the launch of the publication of Seven Secrets of Successful Parenting. But what caught our eye was the logo in the bottom right hand of the invitation and the note saying 'champagne provided by Moet & Chandon.' Who could resist?

What are willies for?

This came in yesterday and was an immediate hit. The illustrations are really funny and we particularly loved some of the critical questions answered such as 'Can you stop being in love?', 'Does the pain last forever?' and 'Do you have to be naked to make love?'

It's aimed at boys aged 9-13, but some of the questions are still giving us pause for thought in our 30s!