Tuesday 22 April 2008

Posh Brekkie

This may sound unforgivably bling, but on the last day of my daughter's school holiday I decided to take her into London for a blow-out breakfast. Sadly the celebrity hangout The Wolseley was completely full, so we made instead for Fortnums and thank goodness we did. I'm seriously fussy about a cooked breakfast and I have to say the one here was the business. Em had two hens eggs with toast soldiers and some super fresh orange juice. I had the works and shared my sausages with her. The staff were lovely - I think they enjoyed having a small child in to make a change from all the hedge fund traders - and Em upped her game accordingly, being unbelievably well behaved. I'm not saying it wasn't expensive, but for once in a blue moon treat, it was lovely.

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