Wednesday 2 July 2008

The Gone-Away World

Introducing The Gone-Away World by Nick Harkaway - a story about friendship and love (and ninjas). Featuring battles, alarms, terrible upheavals and disasters. Also containing digressions and disquisitions; showdowns and throwdowns; monsters, marvels and miracles. One or two pages feature profundity, but these the discerning reader may choose to ignore.

Though more suitable for adults than children (too much swearing) this is a riotous adventure with some fantastic characters. The story takes place in a well realised post-apocalyptic world with various factions trying to control and rebuild society. It's very funny too.
The structure of the book is a bit of a mess, there's no need for it to jump abruptly backwards and forwards a couple of times and it's way too long, but these faults are leavened by plenty of action and some great characters - Ronnie Cheung: the toughest military instructor alive, Ike Thermite: vocal leader of a mime troupe, Zaher Bey: charismatic rebel leader and many more.
There's also a terrific fight scene between an old man (he's Master Wu, a martial arts expert) and some ninja warriors that have been sent to kill him.

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